My Reading Recommendations For October

Frank van de Koppel
2 min readOct 25, 2020
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Hello October,

The winter seasons is gradually starting in Western Europe. Autumn foliage season. In Amsterdam, we’ve already had the first autumn storm. Continuing my effort to bring more content curation to the internet, here are my recommendations for this month. Share your recommendations in the comments & happy reading.

Recommendation #1: Why certain media formats like Stories become hits

This is the best thing I’ve read all month. In this analysis the writer dives into the different formats that are currently popular and why. This is a must-read for all marketing, communication and PR professionals.

Recommendation #2: Is Facebook listening to you via your phone?

A great analysis, why we think that our phones are listening to us and if they actually are. Spoiler alert: no they’re not and for some plausible reasons. This one is especially relevant after the whole discussion caused by the Social Dilemma.

Recommendation #3: The iOS 14 privacy and security features you should know about

iOS 14 has been out for a few weeks and Apple launched the iPhone 12 line just last week. Here are the key (new) security features in iOS that you should know about. Also becoming more and more relevant due to the Social Dilemma. This is how to protect your privacy: by doing something about it.

Recommendation #4: Storytelling principles: Character Arc

An honourable mention for my friend and colleague Wilmar Alex Tax. This is the second part of his series Storytelling Principles. This time he dives into the character arc and how your brand character can and needs to evolve.

That’s it for my recommendations. Let me know what you think & feel free to recommend anything. Happy reading!




Frank van de Koppel

Freelance Strategy/ Creative Director specialised in/write about social & content marketing, communications, productivity and digital developments.